
Forum and Exhibition “Transport of Russia” have been launched at Gostiny Dvor
The 16th International Forum and Exhibition “Transport of Russia” are the key events of the Transport Week which includes a series of all-Russian and international activities within a vast spectrum of transport-related issues. The Forum and Exhibition are held during November 15–17.
This year, special attention of the “Transport of Russia” will be paid to the issues of overcoming the sanctions pressure, import substitution and technological sovereignty of Russian transport. The main topic is “Transport of Russia. Growth Strategy in the New Conditions”. The Forum program includes three main blocks. One day of the event is devoted to each of them. Strategy, Transportation and Infrastructure, International Transport Corridors. Forum audience will be invited to 29 business activities with the participation of more than 300 speakers. Among them are: Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, Vitaly Savelyev, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Andrey Belousov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Marat Khusnullin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Chernyshenko, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, Igor Levitin, as well as heads of foreign ministries, heads of regions and regional transport institutions, top managers of the major enterprises in the sphere, representatives of social organizations, banking sector, etc.Open business sessions will be broadcast online at the web-site of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and at the official web-site of the Transport Week. More than 75 exhibitors will present their innovative projects and elaborations at the Exhibition “Transport of Russia”. The overall exhibition area is 3900 sq m. The Combined Display of Priority Projects will take the central place this year. It will demonstrate the progress of implementation of priority transport projects in a most comprehensive and informative manner. The visitors will be able to witness models, interactive presentations and video materials demonstrating the results of works performed under federal projects during the last year as well as plans for their further development. The “Transport of Russia” will host the Russian Znanie Society studio, which is the partner of the event, for the second time. The studio will be the venue for the lectures, open dialogs, and interviews with the representatives of the largest industry companies, scientists and engineers, whose achievements motivate young people for self-development and getting new knowledge. The following speakers will have the floor during the three days: Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, Vitaly Savelyev, President of RUT (MIIT), Boris Lyovin, President of Infrastructure Economics Center, LLC, Vladimir Kosoy, Chairman of the Executive Board of the State Company Russian Highways, Vyacheslav Petushenko, Chairman of the Executive Board of JSC UTLC, Aleksey Grom, President of the Foundation “Center for Strategic Research”, Vladislav Onishenko, and many more. Full program of speeches is available here. For further information, please contact Transport Week Press Office: