
The 16th International Forum and Exhibition “Transport of Russia” ended in Moscow
“Transport of Russia” was held in Gostiny Dvor on November 15–17. As usual, the Forum hosts discussions on the issues of development of the main transportation means in Russia, while the Exhibition showcases major achievements of the industry in the last year.
The Forum program was divided into three main blocks: Strategy, Transportation and Infrastructure, International Transport Corridors. A separate day in the business program was devoted to each of the blocks. 30 business activities involving 3500 persons were organized during the 3 days. More than 300 speakers presented their reports on the most topical issues of industry development. The Forum witnessed signing of 63 cooperation and coordination agreements and the event was covered by 695 journalists from 241 mass media. All open business sessions were broadcast online at the web-site of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and at the official web-site of the Transport Week. The amount of online views reached 355 thousand during the event. All key companies in the industry were presented at the Exhibition “Transport of Russia”. The overall exhibition area was 3900 sq m. Freshest designs were presented by 75 exhibitors while more than 10 thousand people came to see them, including 79 foreign delegations, 40 regional delegations, and 25 heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Combined Display of Priority Projects took the central place demonstrating the process of implementation of the most important projects in transport industry. Also, the Russian Znanie Society studio, partner of the event, participated in the Exhibition and held more than 20 lectures, open dialogs, interviews with representatives of the largest industry companies, scientists and engineers during the three days. The Forum business program covered all topical issues in the transport complex: overcoming the sanctions pressure, import substitution, technological sovereignty of Russian transport, rerouting of cargo flows from West to East and South, development of infrastructure. While speaking at the official Forum opening ceremony, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mishustin, said: “Thanks to the decisions swiftly made by the Head of the State, the transport system was able not only to stand successfully against all the major challenges but — what is more important — to make a foundation for future growth. This is despite all the complications this year has brought”. The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation also presented state awards to the workers of the transport complex during the Forum and visited the Exhibition. Later during the first day of the Forum, the Session of the Committee of the State Council of the Russian Federation, the panel discussion “Container Flow in a Time of Global Shocks. Current Paths for Market Development”, the roundtable discussion “Maintenance of Technical State of Motor Transport During the Life Cycle”, and the industrial conference “Efficiency of State Support for Aviation Transport During Unprecedented Sanctions Pressure” were held. The second day of the Forum was the most active and busy. The participants discussed the role of science in providing technological stability of transport, the water transport and assessment of compliance in the new conditions, the formula for cooperation in transport machine building, the new digital instruments, information services and technologies, the transport safety and digital management ecosystems. Also, the Session of the Council of Heads of Transport Authorities of the Eurasian Economic Union Member Countries was held and the presentation of the RZD Transport Accelerator was demonstrated. The closing day was about international cooperation. It started with the plenary discussion “International Transport Cooperation in 2022. New Directions, Trends, Results” which focused on the actions of the countries on the issues of building transport communications under sanctions, the law enforcement, and the coordination of work aimed at creating more competitive transport products within the EAEU. Then the session “Sunrise on the East: Significance of Trade with Asian Countries for the Russian Economics and the Ability of Transport to Provide the Trade” demonstrated the achieved results in rerouting of external trade communications to the East. After that, 140 ambassadors of foreign countries and representatives of diplomatic corps visited the exhibition and took part in the Q&A session with the management of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The business program was ended with the plenary discussion. This is how Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, Valentin Ivanov, described it: “Activity on the Forum was organized in a very productive manner. Many issues were discussed and many meeting points and solutions were found”. Before the discussion began, winners of the “Formula of Movement” premium were awarded. For further information, please contact Transport Week Press